A downloadable game

WARNING:  There are texture bugs Throughout the whole game on android

============================================================Radar, Jesse's new assistant, notifies Jesse of an upcoming adventure with Petra. Jesse helps citizens prepare for Founding Day before meeting her. Their meeting place self-destructs to reveal a bottomless pit - where Jesse finds a mysterious gauntlet that gets stuck on his/her hand; but they manage to escape. Petra finds Jack, a hero who can help Jesse remove the gauntlet and the "heckmouth" - the pit. Jack reveals that the gauntlet is tracked to an Ocean Monument, and that a "Structure Block" can close the pit. Jesse convinces Jack and his villager friend Nurm to take them and Petra to it. At the monument's centre, the Admin appears and attempts to kill them, however they and their companions escape to where Jesse collects a Structure Block and frees Jack's old friend Vos.

After Jesse defeats it, the Admin returns and challenges Jesse's group to reclaim the clock (later destroyed by Jack/Petra) in his ice palace, who they then head towards, later joined by Stella and Lluna. However, Vos is revealed to have been the Admin the whole time, and he imprisons Jesse and the person who didn't destroy the clock, while the person who did gets the gauntlet transferred to their hand.

Jesse resolves with their friends to find "Prisoner X" (later revealed as Xara), who apparently knows how to escape the maze. Jesse opens their cell, but has to leave either Nurm or Lluna, a llama that they befriended, behind, before they combat whoever destroyed the clock and then with Xara, attack the Admin. Although it fails, they manage to free Petra/Jack from the Admin's control. The group then escapes the prison with Radar in tow.

Xara then shows them a portal which she re-powers, heading to an underground area below the bedrock. Jesse reunites with Ivor, who has become a ninja. Jesse learns more about the Admin, whose name is revealed to be Romeo, and that Romeo, Xara, and their friend Fred once were friends, but a disagreement led to Fred's death and Romeo's corruption. Jesse finds Xara's bed, and can choose to give it to her. Jesse then has to choose between saving either Radar or the people below the bedrock before escaping.

After returning home, Jesse, Petra, and Jack come up with a plan to battle Romeo. If Jesse gave Xara her bed, Romeo destroys the neighboring Champion City, but if Jesse didn't give Xara her bed, she attempts to attack Romeo only to get strangled to death. It is revealed that Ivor managed to free Nurm/Lluna from the prison. With Lukas's assistance, they arrive at the "Terminal Space", the home of the Admin. Jesse, Jack, and Petra reaches it and Jesse enters it, collects Fred's gauntlet, and battles Romeo. After a tense fight, Jesse successfully uses the gauntlet to strip Romeo of his power. Jesse then has a choice to either take Romeo back for redemption or leave him to his fate, and if they rescued the people below the bedrock in the previous episode, then Radar arrives to save them, if not, Romeo distracts the monsters of Terminal Space for Jesse and their friends to escape. Jesse's final choice involves them either choosing to leave Beacontown and have adventures with Petra or staying as mayor.

Updated 2 days ago

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